2015年3月9日 星期一

三星的Next is Now & HTC的哲學之道

快速掃過MWC 2015 S6與M9發表會影片,在硬體介面之外,我觀察到以下幾點。

今年三星S6發表會,相較於過去發表旗艦機種時的華麗演飾本次並沒有演奏會或是刻意的故事串插流程可說非常簡樸直接強調S6與S6 Edge多項規格特點 

今年主持人以及第一位上台介紹使用者介面的講者都是女性,這跟以往都以男性為主不同,三星可能希望讓觀眾感到”新鮮“,並且傳達這次設計UI不同以往的訊息。然而現場觀眾似乎不買帳,講者在提到UI更改地方時,會特別做大動作以及提高音量來強調新UI會帶來多麼大的便利,三星冀望能得到像Craig Federighi或庫克般的掌聲,實際上是:鴉雀無聲。

UFS 2.0
儲存晶片採用UFS 2.0是業界創舉,從發表會的投影片看來,三星為UFS2.0做了這樣的簡單詮釋:UFS 2.0結合SSD的快速與eMMC的省電優點 




Oops, 不小心用到福音戰士的梗 

HTC在開場影片強調:雖然我們每個人都不一樣,但我們卻能在一瞬間、一個閃爍就能知道對方一點,因為我們都一樣,我們都為一體,We Are All One! 

接著HTC回到產品設計上,表明HTC的設計哲學從M1到M9都秉持相同概念:簡潔優雅的曲線、極佳握在手中的觸感等,唯一不變的是不斷的進步,這邊似乎又呼應了這次HTC發表會訴求:Utopia in Progress。 

發表會最後董事長上台為Utopia in Progress做詮釋。 

Progress is the relization of Utopia   -Oscar Wilde 

HTC把發表會level提升到哲學意境 。


it's easy to say ,hard to do.                                                                不被恥笑的夢想,就不是夢想 

2015年1月6日 星期二


回想在年初時,既期待早點畢業, 卻又希望再給我多點自由時光學習更多知識。

經濟復甦緩慢,股債齊揚; 經濟數據越差,投資人越是興奮; 官員喊打房,卻心知這打下去只怕泡沫打破了!



2014年10月24日 星期五












而“能被均勻萃取咖啡容器 ”這就交給手沖濾杯了,下面再放一個杯子接收咖啡:



為了改進“ 無法均勻浸濕咖啡”以及“萃取時間太短”問題,我就拿店裡的AeroPress來改造:








2014年10月12日 星期日

My point of DPKR 3-The Truman Show?

The Truman Show is a 1998 movie that chronicles the life of a man who is initially unaware that he is living in a constructed reality television show being broadcast around the clock to billions of people around the globe. Truman becomes suspicious of his perceived reality and embarks on a quest to discover the truth about his life.

Before I went to North Korea, I thought their government was totally vicious and people were pitiful. However, I got confused after traveling there. People there seem very content about their life. Sometimes I even thought we tourists were all like Truman. When we arrived at every scenic spot, locals became excellent extras. Just like the two girls I mentioned before. They went to bow to their former leader’s statue at least twice as we were visiting “萬壽台”. After bowing, they still kept wandering around there. Everyone pretended to behave like a normal person that foreigner got use to, or did what like the two girls did to give us a strong message that they really worship their leader because their leader really concern for people.

“Is it necessary for them to do these?” I asked myself.

Before I went to North Korea, I traveled to the northeast china. I stay in Harbin, Shenyang, and Inner Mongolia. I had really bad impression on their sanitation and living habit. For example, I couldn’t use any toilet in outdoors. Even in the main subway station of Harbin and Shenyang, toilet is so dirty that I couldn’t go inside. They don’t flush after using toilets. The vomit smell would keep me 20 meters away. Besides the problem of horrible toilet, cutting into the line or helping other order to food were two things made me angry. One day, I was queuing to buy breakfast. There were five people in front of me. I had waited almost 10 minute, and there were still 5 people in front of me. I gave up queuing after I found out the first person was helping others order.

We always talk about the speedy progress speed of Chinese GDP growth rate. How about promoting the quality of mental wellbeing? I think North Korean is much more well educated in the etiquette. Under the repressive rule of Kim’s dynasty, I think people follow every rule including manner. They lined up, smiling to foreigners and keep everything in good order.

One evening, my tourist bus was going back to the hotel. Everyone except me on the bus was so tired that they all took a nap. When our bus passing by a school’s swimming pool and temporarily stopped waiting for the only red light in Pyongyang, a group of pupil saw us, some of them were shy, but some of them ran toward us, leaned on the school fence with big smiles and curious eyes. They waved their hands, then ran back to swimming pool shyly. At that moment, I did not believe the government ask them to do this.

The media in the west world and our country always depict North Korea as a horrible country. After traveling there, I would like to take things more objectively. North Korean government always does something that is hard to understand for us. Media see Kim as a clumsy leader, while I think they did those things because he has to do it. North Korea is a poor and backward country, or we can say that they have potential but still have a long way to go. Kim must have noticed sticking in the mud would not be a the long-term plan. However, is the development of Chinese modernization a good example to follow? I think they are thinking about it.